Saturday 31 May 2014

A letter to Prime Minister, Narendra Modiji


First of all I would like to congratulate you and your party wholeheartedly for such a decisive victory in the recently held Lok Sabha Elections. Your party's agenda for these elections this election has been development, good governance leaving behind low-level politics based on caste and religion division. What is really significant is that idea has been widely accepted by the people of India, which can easily be inferred from the election results. Being a responsible citizen of India I would like to participate in this movement and want to connect with you to express my gratitude and to raise a few points of concern about the problems that India is facing currently which needs to be looked at with a priority.A special thanks for this opportunity.

* Women Safety: I believe women are the greatest assets of our country. We all seem to understand that but sometimes some of us ignores this fact by abusing them mentally or physically. We must make India a safer place for women. To achieve this, I propose the following.
  1. We may ramp up the country's internal security infrastructures by implementing CCTV cameras at important locations.Strict,responsive and helpful team of vigilant must be put in action.
  2. We should create more awareness on women empowerment and security.Social media play an important role in this regard.
  3. Last but not the least we should have zero tolerance to any crime indulged against women and making this a priority in national agenda.All court cases that cater the complaints and grievances raised in this regard should be fast-tracked and accountable.
 * Joblessness: India's burgeoning population is often considered as a big challenge by many economists but it also presents a tremendous opportunity for our country if such large number of human resources can be utilized and managed well. Currently there is a big challenge in terms of joblessness that our country is facing. There is huge gap between the demand and supply for resources in terms of job opportunities. To tackle this rising problem, I propose the following.
  1. Special focus should be given to Manufacturing Sector to explore huge export opportunities that lies ahead of us, which has been ignored largely in the last decade. For this need we should improving strategic tie-ups with different counties and serving them Quality products and Human Resources by analyzing the demand and shortage in external economies.
  2. Grooming and promoting Entrepreneurs is the need of hour. We can strengthen our education system to create skilled individuals who can be leaders in the future and lead the society to new heights of development. Each individual counts and we have so many to make a difference. 
  3. Considering India's strength that we have a large pool engineers,there lies enormous untapped job opportunities for sectors like electronics, electrical and defense. For this we can consider allowing Foreign Direct Investments specially in the defense sectors.
  4. India has been lagging in investments in Research and Development, which can be considered as  investment in future. This can help us to retain the best brains that our nation produces who currently has to leave our country due to the lack of enough scope in research field. We can consider Public Private Investment model for the same.
* Stabilizing Our Economy : Our economy which has earned special attention from countries around the world has failed to realize it's real potential, due to highly sticky inflation and several other challenges. Having failed to contain inflation to comfortable levels has derailed our countries GDP  growth rate to sub 5% levels. To improve this looming situation, I propose the following.

  1. We need to improve market sentiments for promoting investments in various ailing sectors like manufacturing, infrastructure, power for the revival of our economy. Interest Rates needs to be lowered we must take pro-growth stance before it's too late.Such high interest rates does not encourage new investments.We much act urgently on this.
  2. To control inflation we should bet on better supply chain management and improve country's storage facilities. Proper regulatory measures must be implemented to stop food stock price manipulation and hoarding which often happens at grass root level.We need to use real time analytic Information technology systems to check real time data on the Key Parameters like demand,supply,Price trends to have a dynamic monitoring system to check rising inflation.Based on this we may formulate a price regulation mechanism to check the rising inflation.
  3. Considering the fact that India being a populous nation and has huge demand in power consumption, this is the high time that we should shift our focus towards production and use of renewable sources of energy and conserve our natural assets before it dries up.
  4. Tourism in India is yet to realize it's real potential.India has a diverse portfolio of tourist locations, which if can be blended with the so many diverse cultures can open a new room of opportunity for our economy and can also help in job creation.
 * Strengthening our Judiciary System: The loop holes present in our judicial system has been a big problem for our country and the situation needs to be revisited for improving it's efficiency as early as possible .It has often been seen that court trails take years long time to deliver judgment. This sends a wrong signal and often encourages the wrong doers at all levels. We need to improve the efficiency of our judicial system which can reduce crime, corruption and other wrong activities to achieve a better society to live in.

Thanks & Regards,

Subhodeep Bandyopadhyay
(An Honest Citizen of India)

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